Financing a hospitality business with crowdfunding and gift vouchers.

To overview |
Are you planning to start a hospitality business and looking for financing? Consider crowdfunding. You can attract investors by rewarding them with credit to spend in your hospitality establishment instead of interest or even repayment. With gift vouchers or credit passes, you can make it easy and transparent.

Why bind investors with boring interest payments when you can entice them with gift vouchers to dine and drink at your place regularly? This way, you’ll have immediate ambassadors for your restaurant who will gladly tell their family and friends about your – and their – lovely establishment. You can offer a fixed percentage of credit over the investment, or work with fixed amounts. The more you invest, the more you receive.

Motivate investors to contribute more money

By giving back proportionally more value with a higher investment, you make it attractive to put more money into your hospitality business, for example:

  • An investment of € 1,000 is a gift voucher or credit of € 1,100
  • An investment of € 5,000 is a gift voucher or credit of € 5,750
  • An investment of € 10,000 is a gift voucher or credit of € 12,000

A win-win situation for both the investor and the entrepreneur

You can choose to spread the credit over several years to prevent the entire gift voucher from being spent immediately in the first year.

Easy software to finance your hospitality business with crowdfunding through gift vouchers

With Gifty’s gift voucher solution, you can – in addition to issuing digital and physical gift vouchers – also issue and register special gift vouchers for crowdfunding. This allows entrepreneurs to financially support their projects and reward investors with spendable credit in their establishment instead of interest.

Keeping track of all investments and remaining credits is essential. Gifty offers a user-friendly registration system that ensures everything is neatly recorded and monitored. This keeps everything transparent for both investors and entrepreneurs.

Gift voucher in wallet

Investors easily add the received gift voucher to their wallet for iOS or Android. This way, they always have the current credit visible and can easily use it when they visit your hospitality establishment. It increases customer loyalty and engagement with your establishment.

Financing your hospitality business with crowdfunding

Crowdfunding with gift vouchers offers a fresh approach to financing your hospitality business. With Gifty as a partner, entrepreneurs can attract investors by offering flexible rewards while having an efficient registration and management system.


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